Review "My Homework" free student app for android/ios

All of you know. We as humans have been spoiled by technology. From that, it can make us be a lazy person. But don't let us be fooled by technology because technology can't develop without humans. In this post, i want you to utilize your smartphone. After you read this, i'm sure as soon as possible you will do it. Because this app very helpful to manage my homeworks.

THE APP IS ..........
" My Homework "

That's app is free, you can download on your android or ios. Okeyy, Read this post carefully. I will tell you how to use it.

  1. Download it!
  2. Open My homework app 
  3. Find Main Menu and click "Classes"
  4. Click " + " sign on top right
  5. Click " Add Classes Manually"
  6. Then, add your class name. Fill on the blank space. If not enough, click "Add More Class Names". Then click "Continue". After that will be able to enter details. Like Class time, name of teacher, etc.
  7. If you have homework, back on main menu. Then click "homework". After that fill all of it.   
  8. This is the example, when that app reminder me about my homework
  9. If you already do it. Swipe right. Automatically that app will  make a sign. Or you can also swipe left to delete it. 
Simple, right??? Does this post help you? If yes. Comment down bellow!! or tag me on instagram @lovymhaqi. GOOD LUCK!!

Thank you for reading this post~


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